Are You Using Biomass for Heat or Power?
EAI’s BioMetric Helps You Cut Costs and Improve Biomass Quality

Thousands of Indian companies use biomass for heating or for power generation. Some of them use over 25 T per day, and a few among these use over 100 T per day But the biomass supply chain in India is highly unorganized, with few metrics and benchmarks available Until now, there have been no benchmarks or metrics available to companies to measure the above.
EAI’s BioMetric is India’s first biomass benchmarking solution that enables you to analyse your biomass supply chain in a powerful manner. And arrive at decisions on feedstock and prices that will result in significant cost savings and operational efficiency

EAI’s BioMetric is a well thought out solution that will provide excellent insights on your current biomass supply chain and clear action points on how you can optimize various components of your supply chain for better results.
The entire solution takes just 3 weeks from start to finish.
EAI BioMetric Steps & In sights
Interactions with Your Procurement Team
EAI’s bio-energy consultants will interact with your procurement team to gather details of your biomass and supply chain – biomass characteristics, number of vendors, vendor profiles, prices and commercial terms, end-use details for biomass etc.
Benchmarking Your Existing Biomass Supply Chain Data with the Best
Using our existing database of biomass supply chain data points from around the country, and specifically those in your region, our solution will benchmark your supply chain details against what should be an ideal supply chain. Such benchmarking will happen for both quantitative and qualitative parameters.
Identifying Areas for Improvement from the Benchmark Analysis
The above Benchmarking Analysis will result in an Optimization Matrix that highlights gaps in your biomass supply chain and points out possible optimizations.
Devising the Optimal Biomass Supply Chain and Procurement Strategy
With the Optimization Matrix, EAI’s bio-energy consulting team will once again interact with your procurement team, and in select cases along with your vendors, to chart out the most optimal biomass supply chain strategy. Such a strategy will result in inferences on the following, among others
Interested? Talk to Our BioMetric Team +91-9840436048 or send an email to with the title EAI BioMetric
Please note that the EAI BioMetric services are available only to those commercial or industrial units who consume at least 25 T of biomass per day.